Careers Night 2024
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
Old Boys Careers Information Evening On 18 March, 380 students from Years 11 and 12 attended the Old Boy’s Careers Information Evening at the College. This event provided the boys with the opportunity to be inspired as they listened to the education and career pathways of the Old Boys of St Patrick’s College. On this evening, each boy attended three career presentations on the career field of their choice. Building on feedback from previous years, we featured a more diverse range of career fields, with 50 Old Boys generously volunteering their time to share insights on different professions. The Old Boys shed light on their career development, discussing job responsibilities, educational prerequisites, career opportunities, and their personal experiences and paths. A consistent message from the speakers was the ever-evolving nature of the world of work and the importance of lifelong learning. The evening embodied the genuine community spirit of St Patrick's College, as reflected in our touchstone Inclusive Community. The Old Boys remain dedicated to contributing to the greater good by guiding our boys to become inclusive and adaptive individuals in this ever-changing world. We would like to thank the following Old Boys for graciously giving their time and expertise.